Pharmaceutical calculations equation sheet is here to help every student who struggles to study or remember all the various important equations, conversion factors and key steps needed to solve pharmaceutical calculations problems. It is a comprehensive three page guide optimally designed to facilitate quick and easy location of the right equation, conversion factors or key steps for a particular calculation problem. The pharmaceutical calculations equation sheet summarizes pivotal steps for several pharmaceutical calculations concepts and hence can also be used as a study guide when preparing for in school exams or the calculations component of the PTCB or NAPLEX exams. Pharmaceutical calculations equation sheet is a handy reference and a must have for students, pharmacy technicians and practicing pharmacists.
Topics covered in pharmaceutical calculations equation sheet include:
- Temperature conversions
- Roman numerals
- Proportion
- Dimensional analysis
- Systems of measurement
- Aliquot method
- Aminophylline to theophylline conversion
- Density and specific gravity
- Alligation method (dilution and concentration)
- Algebraic method (dilution and concentration)
- Percentage strength
- Ratio strength
- Reducing and enlarging formulas
- Milliequivalents
- Milliosmols and osmolarity
- Radiopharmaceutical calculations
- pH, buffers and solubility
- Reconstitution
- Body Mass Index (BMI)
- Flow Rate
- Ideal Body Weight (IBW)
- Isotonicity (Sodium chloride equivalent method, freezing-point depression method and White-Vincent method)
- Cockcroft-Gault
- Dosage based on body weight
- Dosage based on body surface area (BSA) using Mosteller’s equation and nomogram
- Calcium carbonate to calcium citrate conversion
- Absolute Neutrophil Count (ANC)
- Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN)
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